Beautiful and calm weather is allowing the lake to finally start to clear up. We stocked 1,200lbs on Thursday March 2nd. Trolling and fishing with lures is starting to pick up again with better clarity, but still this last week white Power eggs and garlic PowerBait have been knocking them out. Even with sunny weather the Trout are shallow and close to shore. Bass fishing has been holding strong in the last few weeks with reports of about 10-25ft deep, which equals about 30ft off shore considering the depth of the shoreline. Brush Hogs and senkos are working well for anglers. We haven’t had many people up fishing for Crappie yet this year, but if you do, please give us your feedback. Good crappie fishing usually isn’t far behind once Bass fishing has picked up!! So go get some! Don’t forget to check us out on Facebook for more catches and details!